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Is There a Better Option to Define the Economy Than in Monetary Terms? – part 2


Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a revolutionary approach to defining the economy that places the well-being and happiness of citizens at the forefront of measurement. Originating in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, GNH seeks to redefine the very purpose of economic development by moving beyond the narrow focus on GDP and material wealth. Instead, it adopts a holistic and multidimensional perspective that takes into account various factors affecting the quality of life and overall happiness of individuals and communities.

The Four Pillars of GNH:

1. Sustainable and Equitable Socioeconomic Development:
GNH emphasizes the need for balanced economic growth that benefits all segments of society. It advocates for reducing income disparities, ensuring equitable access to resources, and promoting social welfare programs. By focusing on inclusivity, GNH strives to provide citizens with opportunities to lead fulfilling lives and participate meaningfully in the nation’s progress.

2. Conservation of the Environment:
Environmental sustainability is another fundamental pillar of GNH. Bhutan’s unique approach to development is deeply rooted in the belief that a healthy environment is essential for the well-being of its people. As such, the country has placed conservation efforts at the core of its policies, maintaining a minimum forest cover and prioritizing clean energy sources. GNH acknowledges the intrinsic value of nature and aims to preserve it for future generations.

3. Preservation of Culture and Tradition:
Cultural preservation is a critical aspect of GNH. Bhutan recognizes the significance of its rich cultural heritage and traditions in fostering a sense of identity and social cohesion. The country takes pride in maintaining its cultural uniqueness amidst the pressures of globalization. By safeguarding cultural values, GNH contributes to a sense of collective well-being and social harmony.

4. Good Governance and Community Vitality:
The fourth pillar of GNH centers on promoting good governance and strong community bonds. Participatory decision-making and accountability are crucial to ensuring that policies align with the well-being of the people. Moreover, GNH acknowledges the importance of strong social connections, which contribute to individual happiness and resilience.

Measuring GNH:

Measuring Gross National Happiness is a complex endeavor that goes beyond quantitative indicators. Bhutan uses a comprehensive set of indicators, both subjective and objective, to assess the well-being of its citizens. These include factors such as psychological well-being, health, education, time use, cultural diversity, good governance, ecological diversity, and resilience.

Citizen surveys and consultations play a significant role in determining the overall happiness and satisfaction of the population. The insights gained from these surveys help policymakers understand the needs and aspirations of the people better, allowing them to develop targeted policies that align with the GNH principles.

Impact and Lessons for the World:

Bhutan’s GNH approach has captured the attention of the global community as a refreshing alternative to traditional economic models. While challenges exist in its implementation and measurement, GNH has inspired conversations on the importance of human well-being and environmental sustainability in economic development.

As countries grapple with issues like climate change, income inequality, and mental health, the GNH framework offers valuable lessons. It emphasizes the significance of striking a balance between economic growth, social welfare, and environmental stewardship. By focusing on the happiness and well-being of citizens, nations can build more resilient and sustainable societies that prioritize long-term prosperity over short-term gains.


Gross National Happiness represents a visionary shift in defining the economy, placing people’s happiness and the environment at the core of development. Bhutan’s holistic approach challenges the conventional obsession with material wealth and economic growth, calling for a more balanced and sustainable path forward.

While implementing GNH on a global scale may be complex, it serves as a powerful reminder that economic progress should not come at the expense of well-being and environmental integrity. By embracing the values embodied in GNH, societies worldwide can strive for a more equitable, compassionate, and environmentally responsible future for generations to come.
